Friday, October 26, 2012

Frederick Douglass: The final assignment

Over the Weekend (10/27--10/28)

Here is the final installment for reading The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass:

  • Read the Appendix and annotate
  • Once you have finished reading the book...
    • Type your reflection (ALWAYS format in MLA)
    • Print it out
    • Also print out the NLFD Packet Cover Sheet
    • Staple everything together in reverse order from bottom to top (packet, then assignment 8, then 7, then 6 . . . )
    • Bring with you to class on Monday and turn in first thing

What do I do for the reflection?

Answer the following questions in thorough detail:

1. Who do you think was Frederick Douglass's intended audience for this piece of writing? Why do you believe that was his intended audience? What evidence do you have to support your answer

2. What was his purpose for writing this book? Why do you believe that was his purpose? Be thorough.

3. Give three specific, real-world connections (historical or current events) to the this book. Thoroughly explain why you made those connections, citing specific examples from Frederick Douglass's book. (The only connection that is exempt is anything having to do with American slavery).

4. Connect this book with three pieces of literature you have read in the past. Thoroughly explain why you made those connections, citing specific examples from Frederick Douglass's book. (the pieces of literature can have been assigned by your past teachers or things you have read on your own).

5. For anyone who reads this book, what is the one lesson he or she NEEDS to learn from it? In other words, you think that it would be a waste to read the book and not learn . . . what? Identify the lesson everyone needs to learn and explain why each person needs to learn it.

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