Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sophie's World Reading: Veteran's Day Weekend


So, I completely forgot to assign your reading for the weekend. Of course, there was no reading assigned for Friday because who reads on a Friday night? Well, who reads on a Friday night except the twenty-something girl my wife and I saw at the coffee shop while on our date last night?

For Saturday, Sunday, and Monday you have one chapter of reading a piece. The story line is starting to shift a little and there is a lot of history covered in those three chapters. I would prefer not to overburden you guys with reading and thinking at the same time. So, let's slow our pace for this weekend (click over to the google calendar to see which chapters you should be reading this weekend).

Keep up the good work, ladies and gentlemen. I don't know about you, but I am really enjoying reading the book with you. I have heard some of the most creative ideas about what you think is really going on in the book. If you want, feel free to post some of your theories/predictions in the comment section below.

Have a good weekend.

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